This database is part of the National Medical Information System (NMIS). The Patient Treatment File (PTF) contains a record for each inpatient care episode provided under VA auspices in VA and non-VA facilities nationwide. Each episode contains data on admission, diagnosis, procedures, surgical episodes, and disposition (discharge) information and Diagnostic Related Group (DRG). Each transfer is recorded to allocate days of care properly to the service(s) responsible for that care. Recurring and special purpose reports are used for studies on patient movement trends, diagnostic frequency, workload, budget preparation, Diagnostic Related Group (DRG) assignment and accreditation requirements. Reports are available for online access via Roger's Software Development's (RSD) Online Report Viewing. Several large data files are installed on-line at the Austin Information Technology Center for remote access. Selected data can be downloaded to perform end user processing, including report generation. Information is received from a variety of modules in Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture. This batch system is written in Common Business Oriented Language and ALC. Processing is done on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.