The Primary Care Management Module (PCMM) was developed to assist VA facilities in implementing Primary Care. PCMM supports both Primary Care and non-Primary Care teams. The software allows the user to set up and define a team, assign positions to the team, assign staff to the positions, assign patients to the team, and assign patients to a Primary Care Provider (PCP) or Associate Provider (AP). In a Primary Care setting, patients are assigned a PCP, Associate Provider (AP) and/or a Transition Patient Advocate (TPA) who is responsible for delivering essential health care, coordinating all health care services, and serving as the point of access for specialty care. The PCP is supported by a team of professionals which may include nurses, pharmacists, social workers, etc. Associate Providers are non-physician clinicians (such as Physicians Assistants, Nurse Practitioners or Residents) who may provide care under the supervision of a presiding PCP. The PCMM software is considered to be an important component to measure patient demand and the PCPs capacity to meet that demand and to reduce wait times. PCMM was developed to assist facilities in implementing primary care for veterans. It uses the site's data to identify patients and to assign them to a PCP. PCMM provides tools to facilitate the startup process, automating such tasks as identifying patients to be assigned to primary care; assigning patients to teams, and assigning patients to practitioners via team positions.