The Community Residential Care Report is a listing of all facilities approved for residential care by the VA. These facilities are privately run operations not affiliated with the VA. They provide room, board, supervision, and other non-medical care to Veteran patients who cannot care for themselves but do not require the services of a Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC). Information about these facilities is entered into the Fee Basis module of the Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA) by every VAMC that has an agreement with a facility. This information is sent via MailMan to the VA Austin Information Technology Center where it is collected in a queue and processed quarterly. VAMCs that have sent invalid data or VAMCs that are aligned with residential care facilities and did not send data are notified. Valid data is processed and used to update the database. Quarterly reports are sent to VAMCs, Veterans Integrated Service Networks (VISNs), Geriatrics & Extended Care Strategic Health Care Group, VA Central Office (VACO), and researchers interested in residential care information.