The D2D EFSS (Inc 1 and 2) provides a common access point to standardize, centralize, and integrate the universal collection of Benefit Claim Forms and supporting evidence data to produce a streamlined paperless Veteran/Service member centric claims process. Allow VSOs to submit claims and documents digitially to the VA system, enable the claim to be automatically established, automatically upload the associated dcument and evidence to the Veterans eFolder or document storage repository, notifying the correct Station of Jurisdiction(SOJ) that a claim folder or eFolder is available to be worked, and notify the VSO of successful submissions and errors experienced, if applicble during submittal. This service provides claims profile data functionality.D2D. Electronic Post Office (formerly D2D Service) MSTI SR 52. Enables exteranal systems to submit (through VLER) structured official VA Forms with/without attachment documents and orchestrates temporary storage, virus checking and message durability. When complete, submits form to appropriate Form Submission Service for orchestration This service is not nationally published as of June 2014