The Performance and Operational Web-Enabled Reports (POWER) system is a state-of-the-art data warehouse containing data on Veterans Health Administration (VHA) performance metrics that are obtained daily from the individual Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA) systems.The POWER system was developed to measure the key performance indicators across VHA facilities and is helping to improve VHA's Medical Care Collections Fund (MCCF) revenue operational performance by providing accurate, reliable, and up-to-date performance measure information. POWER leverages a data warehouse to maintain data used in VHA performance measure calculations. The site provides Web-based analytical reporting capabilities, allowing users to view data by dimensions, such as, National, Consolidated Patient Account Center (CPAC), Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN), or Station locations and by month. The data can also be displayed in tables, graphs and spreadsheets. It should be noted that POWER is not an accounting system; rather, it is a strategic and operational performance reporting system.The POWER system supports VHA's efforts to improve its revenue business operations by providing accurate and reliable performance information on the following metrics: Collections, Gross Days Revenue Outstanding (GDRO), Percentage of Accounts Receivable (AR) Greater than 90 Days, Days to Bill, Total Billings, Percentage of Collections to Billings, and Cost to Collect. POWER is VHA's revenue performance metric dashboard monitoring system that tracks MCCF performance by National, CPAC, VISN and Station.